Thursday, July 26, 2007

Stagonian Infantry Flags

One of the most recognizable national flags in imaginary 18th century "Urope" is that of Stagonia.

It has a lavender-blue backround with the white deer of the von Hirschbock family. The white stars in the corners complete this very recognizable national flag.

This "white deer" image is central to all of the military flags of Stagonia.

The first "military flag you see (white cross with gold corners) is the standard Stagonian line infantry pattern.

Notice that the "white deer on light blue" echoes the image on the Stagonian flag

The "white cross" indicates that the basic coat color is . . . white.

The corner color is the same as the facing color -- in this case, golden yellow.

The second flag you see (red cross with black corners and a "gold" central oval) is in the pattern of "foreign" units within the Stagonian army.

The red cross would show that the unit wears a red coat -- and, no, this would not be a Saxe-Bearstein unit, but rather most likely an Irish one.

The black corners would be in the unit's facing color . . . but notice the central oval. Instead of the Stagonian light blue background, it is a "gold" color. This indicates that it is a "foreign" unit within the Stagonian army.

(Note that this flag would essentially be the Stagonian equivalent of the Dillon regiment in French service -- the Stagonian forces essentially echoing those of France.)

The next flag (gray cross with royal blue corners), is typical of the
"irregular" units within the Stagonian army.

In "Tricorne Wars" terms, the companies of these troops would be based in the "diamond" pattern.

Again, the cross (gray) would represent the coat color and the corner colors (blue) is the facing color.

Jager units would be similar except that they would have a green cross and then their facing color, but the central figure would be a white "standing deer" instead of the regular Stagonian deer.

The final infantry flag is therefor quite typical of a jager unit. This one would have maroon facings to go with its green coat.

So there you have a "thumbnail" view of the various types of Stagonian infantry flags.

As mentioned before, conceptually the Stagonian army is more-or-less based upon that of 18th century France. And, like France, it has a number of different troop types in its service.

-- Stagonian Jeff

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

And Now He is King!

I have decided that Stagonia deserves its own blog. Previously it had been just a minor sidelight on my major blog -- Saxe-Bearstein -- but now it needs its own blog because its ruler, Maurice von Hirschbock has declared Stagonia to now be a Kingdom.

Of course he is mad. Originally he was simply Graf Maurice von Hirschbock; then he decided he was PfalzGraf Maurice von Hirschbock; but now he has named himself simply Koenig Maurice. Of course, this is a most vile thing to do . . . but then, what is the guiding light of Stagonia if not vileness?

Thus, the Kingdom of Stagonia officially joins other 18th century imagi-Nations. It occupies the same space as Bavaria -- immediately to the west of Saxe-Bearstein (which co-insides with Bohemia).

The armies of Stagonia will be uniformed much as those of France -- just as Saxe-Bearstein's troops are modeled on those of Hanover. Thus, while the location is different, our fights might well be mistaken for those of the western front of the Seven Years War.

-- Stagonian Jeff